Posted by josecho rosado on Thursday, October 4, 2012
Under: Prenup
Excitement and the feeling of joy were all I can remember when a close friend called me for a prenup of this lovely couple, Les and Victor, not only because it means going back to Eden again, but because I was challenged to step-up to the next level of photography. I was so shocked when I met this couple, they were very nice and never really questioned me to what would be my technique and style in taking their photos.
My first shot really made me sweat, but after the next one... everything went well. What I loved about Victor and Les was that they cooperated to what I was instructing them to do for their photos, Victor is a foreigner and yet I never heard anything from him but, "So what I'm going to do?" ...It's so funny that I made him sweat doing their prenups though in the middle of our photo shot , rains poured in the morning of July 6, 2012.View album@
In : Prenup